The internet is playing an increasingly significant role in the careers of fashion creatives, in that it allows work to be distributed to a large audience without the need to be commissioned by an established magazine. One context where this is apparent is the blog. This brief has been designed to encourage you to set up your own blog which will act as an online research file/scrapbook for yourself. From this you will work in a small group to produce a set of fashion based images.
This brief s split into two parts.
Part one:
To begin with you need to set up your own individual online blog. Recommended providers to use are Blogger, Tumblr or wordpress. It is up to you what address you give your blog but I would suggest trying to use your name. You will then be expected to regularly update your blog with anything you find particularly relevant to your practice and that can have a role in future projects. For example, this could include images you have taken from magazines or books, work of existing practitioners, items of clothing, potential locations, concepts or quotes, potential models, stills from films, other websites, images or footage from other shoots you do etc. As well as the image you will be expected to include some kind of comment about the relevance of each post.
Part two:
The second part of this brief requires you to work in small groups to produce a fashion shoot with the outcome being a set of five images.
Your group should be made up of either 1 or 2 photography students and 1 or 2 fashion promotion with styling students. Groups can be no larger than 4 students and must contain at least 1 person from each course.
There are no specifications in terms of the content of your shoot, however the concept should be related to at least one post from the blog of each member of the group.
You will then produce a 750 word evaluation of the project outlining how your shoot relates to the blog posting and an overall evaluation of your final set of images and how well the group worked together.
Deadline: Monday 28th feb 2011